Find Utility Rebates
Use our product catalog tool to find available utility rebates in your area in real-time, along with links to the relevant product pages and datasheets. The tool can be filtered by category, or you can search by the specific catalog number.
How To Use The Utility Rebate Tool:
Enter the Zip Code of where your project installation is located.
Select a Category or use the Product Search box to find a specific catalog number.
Choose a Utility from the list if more than one is available for the Zip Code.
Modify Existing Wattage and Annual Hours using the Options menu on the left side of the tool for the most accurate results.
For more product information, click on any of the icons to access the product page, datasheet, or the DLC QPL snapshot.
Bookmark this page for quick access to our tool since rebate programs constantly change - check back often!
All product eligibility and rebates should be verified by the utility company. US LED does not provide a guarantee for rebate estimates or rebate programs. Potential rebate amounts do not include applicable fees for rebate management services.